Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How energy drinks can harm your body | Essentials

How energy drinks can harm your body

Mother's Day Coffee
Mother's Day Coffee by SurFeRGiRL30
License (according to Flickr): Attribution License

A new reported confirmed by the FDA has revealed the popular caffeine shot, 5-hour Energy, may be linked to 13 deaths, which have occurred in the past four years. While 5-hour Energy’s website does not list the exact amount of caffeine in their products, the company claims the 2-ounce energy shot contains “caffeine comparable to a cup of the leading premium coffee. ”  However, according to the company's founder and CEO, Manoj Bhargava, the average 5-hour Energy drink contains a little less than 200 mg of caffeine. Overall, energy drinks like this one play absolutely no role in your daily consumption of liquids.  As long as you’re healthy, energy should come from a balance of diet, exercise and rest. A lot of these drinks have stimulants, which can increase your heart rate, increase your blood pressure and stimulate your central nervous system.


Manoj Bhargava

Overall Sentiment: 0.0509008

Relevance: 0.455076

Additional Info:

Drug: caffeine

Overall Sentiment: -0.0573758

Relevance: 0.950522

HealthCondition: high blood pressure

Overall Sentiment: -0.143596

Relevance: 0.453608

Disambiguation: DiseaseOrMedicalCondition | DiseaseCause | RiskFactor | Symptom | DiseaseReferences:

HealthCondition: irritable bowel syndrome

Overall Sentiment: -0.0393454

Relevance: 0.429743

HealthCondition: kidney failure

Overall Sentiment: -0.104918

Relevance: 0.407193

Disambiguation: DiseaseReferences:

HealthCondition: kidney disease

Overall Sentiment: -0.665742

Relevance: 0.361468

Disambiguation: DiseaseOrMedicalCondition | CauseOfDeath | RiskFactor | Symptom | DiseaseReferences:

HealthCondition: hepatitis

Overall Sentiment: -0.203338

Relevance: 0.325712

FieldTerminology: heart rate

Overall Sentiment: -0.275275

Relevance: 0.395487

Organization: FDA

Overall Sentiment: 0.298176

Relevance: 0.392083

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